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Token Directory

Sequence maintains an open token directory on github, that allows Sequence infrastructure to filter spam from verified tokens.

While the infrastructure also watches sources like CoinGecko and OpenSea for verified contracts, all new tokens that are to be used - not verified from these sources - must be maintained manually.

When tokens are added to various blockchains, the default is for these tokens to not be included in the default wallet settings.

Allowing these tokens to be seen by the wallet and infrastructure (even for testnets) can be done with one of the following steps:

How to make tokens appear in stack

  1. Update Wallet Settings (For Single Wallet): One can update their wallet settings and make a token appear only for a single wallet
  2. Update Token Directory (For All Wallets & Indexer): One can update the token directory to make a token appear for all wallets and Indexer infrastructure

1. Update Wallet Settings

Navigate to Settings > General and untoggle Hide Unverified Tokens.

2. Update Token Directory (Recommended)

Create a pull request in the token directory on github updating the index folder for the specified network and token type and append to the tokens array, with updated fields for the specified token:

      "chainId": <chain_id>,
      "address": "<address>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "type": "<type>,
      "symbol": "<SYMBOL>",
      "deployed": true,
      "logoURI": "<logo_uri_thumbnail>"
      "extensions": {
        "link": <token_homepage_url_link>,
        "description": <description>,
        "ogImage": "<og_image_banner>",
        "originChainId": <origin_chain_id>,
        "originAddress": <origin_address>

logoURI vs ogImage

When adding images to describe your token, there are 2 possible options for accomplishing this.

The first is the logoURI of size 40x40px which represents the rendered thumbnail beside a token in your wallet list

The second is the ogImage of size 1200x640px which represents the rendered banner at the top of a token page when viewing in the wallet.

In Wallet

Verified Token Metadata

For a Token

Verified Token Metadata