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Wallet Linking Overview

Wallet Linking enables the ability for a developer to create a verifiable association between two wallets from a single user. Generally, this is a link between an embedded wallet for a game or application and an external wallet, such as Metamask. This solves a number of issues for games such as:

  • Validating a user holds an NFT, but doesn't want to move their valuable asset around for token-gating or reward distributions.
  • Easy migration for flow of funds or liquidity from an external wallet to the embedded wallet for a game.
  • Verifiying a number of ERC20 tokens a user holds to provide governance rights.

Using Sequence SDKs, the embedded wallet session can be instantiated from nearly any platform such as Mobile, Web, PC or Console so users can enjoy a seamless game experience. However, when desired, a user is directed to an external browser session to link additional wallets.

Try a Demo

Dive into the implementation for your own game or application, by following our integration guide.