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Getting Started

SDK Installation

We provide TypeScript and Unity SDKs for the Embedded Wallet authentication system. You can install the TypeScript SDK with:

pnpm install @0xsequence/waas

For more information on the Unity Embedded Wallet SDK, please refer to the Unity SDK documentation

Project Setup

Sequence Embedded Wallet is currently only available as a closed beta. To start using the Embedded Wallet SDKs, you'll need to contact the Sequence team and acquire API credentials. Once this is done, you will be provided with two keys:

  • Project access key
  • Embedded Wallet configuration key

Library Setup

To start using Sequence Embedded Wallet SDK, you'll need to create a new instance of the waas class:

import { SequenceWaaS } from '@0xsequence/waas'
const waas = new SequenceWaaS({
  projectAccessKey: `${process.env.PROJECT_ACCESS_KEY}`,
  waasConfigKey: `${process.env.WAAS_CONFIG_KEY}`,
  network: 'mumbai'
}, defaults.TEST)

Note that the library is operational, but it can't be used to interact with any wallet until you have authenticated as a user.