Signing up and creating a project is easy to do and should take you less than a few minutes. We will help you sign up for Builder and then create your first project.

Let’s get started!

Sign up for Sequence Builder


Go to

Go to Sequence.Build and click on the Start Building or Sign in button to get started.


Choose a sign in method

When you first sign in to Builder, a wallet is created for you.

You may, however, already have a Sequence wallet. If you are signed in with that wallet, you will see an option to use it.

Without a wallet, you will be given a few options to sign in. You can use any of the social sign ins, or you can simply use your email to get started.


Sign in to

After choosing how you would like to sign in, you will be presented with the terms of use. To read the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Master Services Agreement, click on the respective links for each.

Once you have read each, click through to continue.

You are now signed in to Builder!


Create a Project

Everything you do in Builder is centered around each project - so let’s start one.

The easiest way to start a project is to simply click + Create Project.


Enter the project details

A modal will pop up, allowing you to enter details about your project. Provide a project name and, if you like, add an avatar for the project.

Then, select the network(s) on which you would like to start deploying. This can always be changed later.


Create the project!

Now hit the Create new Project button!

Once you finish, you should now be viewing your project dashboard.


Claim an API Access Key

Finally, to start building you’ll need to claim an access key from the Builder, which can be accomplished by navigating to your project in the top left corner, selecting Settings in the side nav, and selecting the API Access Keys card

Within the settings of the API Access Keys select the dev access key, which is typically used for development environments, whereas the prod key is used for production environments for applications in front of your users.


(Optional for Development) Create a Service Account

In order to integrate some services from the Sequence stack, a Service Account has to be created to make updates or read from state - including Collections API or Webhooks - a Secret API Key is required.

One can navigate to the API Access Keys section by selecting the project, accessing the sidebar nav page of Settings, and selecting the API Access Keys card

And scroll to the bottom, where you will find the Secret API Access Key(s) section

Where you would select + Add Service Account

And either create a Read key, or, a Write secret API access key.

For making updates to the Sequence system, select Write and + Add Service Account to include in your integration.

Copy the JWT token and save it somewhere safe, or, in your project

Warning: You won’t have access to the generated Secret API Access Key in the future from the Builder interface, make sure to save it somewhere safe.

Build things!

Now that you have created a project and claimed an API Access key, there is so much you can do from here.

If you feel like it, begin with one of these examples: