
Sequence.js is a modular web3 stack and smart wallet package for Ethereum chains. You can think of it similar to ethers.js, but tailored to the Sequence stack which streamlines common functions needed for blockchain-enabled game development. The sequence.js SDK is composed of several sub-packages combined into a single meta-package called 0xsequence. To add the SDK to your project, add a dependency on 0xsequence to your package.json:

npm install 0xsequence ethers


pnpm install 0xsequence ethers


yarn add 0xsequence ethers

If you know that your project only requires specific sub-packages, you can also depend on those directly with npm add @0xsequence/<sub-package name>.

Your package.json should look something like this (actual version may vary):


  "name": "my-dapp",


  "dependencies": {

    "0xsequence": "^1.0.0",

    "ethers": ^5.7.0"




CDN distribution as native JS

Optionally, 0xsequence can be installed as a JS script source (UMD distribution) via:

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>