
The Sequence Unity Embedded Wallet SDK provides full Sequence Embedded Wallet and Indexer integration for your Unity Games, integrated with our own purpose-built for Unity SequenceEthereum library. That’s right, no Nethereum required!

This SDK follows Semantic Versioning (major.minor.patch). Breaking changes will always cause a major version increment, non-breaking new features will cause a minor version increment, and bugfixes will cause a patch version increment.


Unity 2021.3.6f1 or later

  • Android
  • iOS
  • PC standalone -> (Mono builds only when using Social Sign in -> the system commands throw exceptions when doing IL2CPP builds -> see OpenIdAuthentication.PlatformSpecificSetup)
  • Mac standalone -> (Mono builds only when using Social Sign in -> in our testing MacOS doesn’t pick up custom URL schemes automatically unless you run some system commands first; these system commands only work on Mono -> see OpenIdAuthentication.PlatformSpecificSetup)
  • WebGL

Additional Resources

In addition to reading these docs, you can also checkout our guide that details how we made the Jelly Forest demo game.