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In the context of SequenceEthereum, a Wallet is defined by the IWallet interface. There are currently 2 implementations of the IWallet interface in this SDK.

1. EOAWallet

EOAWallet is a standard EOA wallet for EVM chains.

An EOAWallet is easily created:

IWallet eoaWallet = new EOAWallet(); // This will generate a cryptographically random private key
IWallet eoaWallet = new EOAWallet(privateKeyString); // Create a wallet using a previously generated private key

2. SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter

SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter is an adapter that allows you to use a SequenceWallet with the same IWallet interface as an EOAWallet so that it may be used interchangeably with EOA wallets throughout the rest of the SequenceEthereum library.

A SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter is easily created once you have a SequenceWallet:

IWallet sequenceAdapter = new SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter(sequenceWallet);


The IWallet interface provides a number of methods for you. The most important of which are:


Returns the Address for the wallet

Address address = wallet.GetAddress();


Signs the given EthTransaction and submits it via the given client

string transactionHash = await wallet.SendTransaction(client, transaction);


Signs the given EthTransaction and submits it via the given client then waits for the TransactionReceipt

TransactionReceipt receipt = await wallet.SendTransactionAndWaitForReceipt(client, transaction);


Signs the given EthTransaction[] and submits them via the given client. If wallet is an EOAWallet, the transactions will be submitted sequentially, each of which may pass or fail. If the wallet is a SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter, the transactions will be batched together into a single transaction that is submitted all at once and either passes or fails as a whole. Similarly, if a wallet is an EOAWallet the string[] (transaction hashes) you receive will be equal in length to the EthTransaction[] you submitted. While, if the wallet is a SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter, you will only receive one transaction hash (string[] of length 1)

string[] transactionHashes = await wallet.SendTransactionBatch(client, transactions);


Signs the given EthTransaction[] and submits them via the given client then waits for the TransactionReceipt[]. If wallet is an EOAWallet, the transactions will be submitted sequentially, each of which may pass or fail. If the wallet is a SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter, the transactions will be batched together into a single transaction that is submitted all at once and either passes or fails as a whole. Similarly, if a wallet is an EOAWallet the TransactionReceipt[] you receive will be equal in length to the EthTransaction[] you submitted. While, if the wallet is a SequenceWalletToEOAWalletAdapter, you will only receive one transaction receipt (TransactionReceipt[] of length 1)

TransactionReceipt[] receipts = await wallet.SendTransactionAndWaitForReceipt(client, transactions);


Given a message and an optional chain id, sign the message using the wallet. Omit the chain id from the signature if not provided

string signedMessage = await wallet.SignMessage(message, chainId)

Note: the chainId is expected to be in hexadecimal format. If you are working with a Chain object (recommended), you can use the AsString method to get the hexadecimal format of the chain id

string signedMessage = await wallet.SignMessage(message, Chain.Polygon.AsString());