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Email + OTP

Available on all platforms, email sign in provides the user with a One-Time-Password (OTP) challenge - a 6 digit code emailed to the entered address for the user to enter on the next page.

First, you'll want to enable email sign in for your project in the builder.

If you're using the built-in LoginPanel, the UI will manage email + OTP sign in for you automatically.

Custom Integrations

Otherwise, you'll want to call the Login(string email) async Task on SequenceLogin to initiate authentication with the API; this will send the OTP challenge to the specified email.

Once the user has input their OTP code, you'll want to call the Login(string email, string code) async Task on SequenceLogin to finish authenticating the user.

Relevant events include:

  • OnMFAEmailSent - this event includes a string specifying the email where the OTP was sent

  • OnMFAEmailFailedToSend - this event includes two strings: the email where the OTP was requested and the error message

  • OnLoginFailed - this event includes: the error message string, the LoginMethod that was used, and the email string associated with the login attempt