Currency Swaps
Swapping between different ERC20/native token currencies on a given Chain is made easy by Sequence's Smart Swap API.
This method can be used to get the current SwapPrice
for a given buyCurrency and buyAmount using a given sellCurrency.
ISwap swapper = new CurrencySwap(_chain);
SwapPrice swapPrice = await swapper.GetSwapPrice(buyCurrencyTokenAddress, usdcAddress, "1000"); // where USDC is an example sell currency
You can optionally subscribe to the OnSwapPriceReturn
and OnSwapPriceError
events in order to handle the response elsewhere.
You can optionally provide a maximum allowable slippagePercentage.
This method is similar to GetSwapPrice
, it can be used to get the current SwapPrice
for a given buyCurrency and buyAmount. Except, instead of providing a sellCurrency, you instead provide the user's wallet address.
This method will detect the eligible currencies (ERC20s or native tokens) that can be swapped for buyAmount of the buyCurrency and will return a SwapPrice[]
ISwap swapper = new CurrencySwap(_chain);
SwapPrice[] swapPrices = await swapper.GetSwapPrices(userWalletAddress, buyCurrencyTokenAddress, "1000");
You can optionally subscribe to the OnSwapPricesReturn
and OnSwapPricesError
events in order to handle the response elsewhere.
You can optionally provide a maximum allowable slippagePercentage.
This method is used to get an executable SwapQuote
for a given userWallet address to buy buyAmount of buyCurrency using sellCurrency.
ISwap swapper = new CurrencySwap(_chain);
SwapQuote quote = await swapper.GetSwapQuote(userWalletAddress, buyCurrencyTokenAddess, usdcAddress, "1000", true); // where USDC is an example sell currency
Once you've obtained a SwapQuote
, you can transform it into a Transaction[]
that can be submitted via your EmbeddedWallet to execute the swap.
Transaction[] swapTransactions = quote.AsTransactionArray();
_wallet.SendTransaction(_chain, swapTransactions);
If includeApprove = true
the SwapQuote response will also include the information required to create the required spend approval transaction(s). These will also be added to the Transaction[]
created above via SwapQuote.AsTransactionArray()
. As usual, with our embedded smart contract wallets, all of these transactions can be submitted at once in a bundle; significantly improving the UX for your players who would usually need to make separate transactions to approve and swap.