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In order to support the buying and selling of in-game assets between players, our Unity SDK leverages our Marketplace API.

Show Listings

In order to show the marketplace listings for a given contract/collection address, you'll want to use a ListCollectibles object and call the ListAllCollectiblesWithLowestListing function or ListCollectiblesWithLowestListing if you want to handle pagination yourself.

ListCollectibles listCollectiblesOnArbitrumNova = new ListCollectibles(Chain.ArbitrumNova);
ListCollectiblesWithLowestListingReturn result = await listCollectiblesOnArbitrumNova.ListCollectiblesWithLowestListing(contractAddressString, collectiblesFilter);
CollectibleOrder[] collectibleOrders = result.collectibles;
// or 
CollectibleOrder[] collectibleOrders = await listCollectiblesOnArbitrumNova.ListAllCollectiblesWithLowestListing(contractAddressString, collectiblesFilter);

where collectiblesFilter is a CollectiblesFilter used to filter your search criteria.

These methods can be awaited directly or you can subscribe to the ListCollectiblesWithLowestListingReturn and OnListCollectiblesWithLowestListingError events to receive the ListCollectiblesWithLowestListingReturn object when successful or the error message string when unsuccessful.