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Onboard User Funds

If you wish for your users to be able to pay for things in your game using cryptocurrencies, you'll find our Transak integration to be very helpful. Transak allows users to purchase a variety of cryptocurrencies on a variety of blockchains using their credit card using a user friendly web interface. Learn more about Transak here.

On-Ramp User Funds via Credit Card

To generate a link for your user's Transak on-ramping:

Transak onRamp = new TransakOnRamp(userWalletAddress);
string onRampLink = onRamp.GetTransakLink(); // You'll notice via IntelliSense that there are a number of default values you can provide to help tailor your UX

From here, you can open the onRampLink via Application.OpenURL or similar. Or, you can also use:

Transak onRamp = new TransakOnRamp(userWalletAddress);
onRamp.OpenTransakLink(); // You'll notice via IntelliSense that there are a number of default values you can provide to help tailor your UX

This will automatically call Application.OpenURL on the generated Transak On-Ramp link.

Check Supported Countries

To check the countries supported by Transak (and learn about how they are supported), use the GetSupportedCountries Task.

try {
    SupportedCountry[] supportedCountries = await TransakOnRamp.GetSupportedCountries();
catch (Exception e) {
    Debug.LogError(quot;Encountered error fetching supported countries from Transak: {e.Message}");