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Custom UI Integration

In a C++ backend with a series of pass through [UFUNCTIONS] setup similarly to [SequenceBackendManager.h/.cpp]. Each of these calls are implemented in [UAuthenticator] you just need to pass through the data with YOUR UAuthenticator UObject

//This call is platform dependent on windows & mac this is required for SSO WIP
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CATEGORY = "Login")
FString GetLoginURL(const ESocialSigninType& Type); 
//This Call is made after you've collected the ID_Token (Mac & Windows only) WIP
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CATEGORY = "Login")
void SocialLogin(const FString& IDTokenIn);
//This Call is made after you've collected the email address from the Users in the UI
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CATEGORY = "Login")
void EmailLogin(const FString& EmailIn);
//This is call is made after the Delegate `[AuthRequiresCode]` is fired
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, CATEGORY = "Login")
void EmailCode(const FString& CodeIn);
//Optional call used to check if the credentials on disk are valid or not//
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Login")
bool StoredCredentialsValid();

To start you'll want to create a [UAuthenticator] UObject like so [UAuthenticator + Auth = NewObject<UAuthenticator>()], this UObject manages the authentication side of Sequence.

Be sure to bind to the Delegates for [AuthSuccess], [AuthFailure], [AuthRequiresCode] prior to making any signin calls You can bind to these delegates like so:

this->authenticator->AuthRequiresCode.AddDynamic(this, &AYourClass::YourCallReadyToReceiveCode);
this->authenticator->AuthFailure.AddDynamic(this, &AYourClass::YourCallShowAuthFailureScreen);

In the case of [AuthSuccess] since a parameter is also passed we bind to it like this

FScriptDelegate del;
del.BindUFunction(this, "CallShowAuthSuccessScreen");

Where [CallShowAuthSuccessScreen] is defined in SequenceBackendManager.h like so:

void CallShowAuthSuccessScreen(const FCredentials_BE& CredentialsIn);

And in SequenceBackendManager.cpp like so:

void ASequenceBackendManager::CallShowAuthSuccessScreen(const FCredentials_BE& CredentialsIn) 
this->Credentials = CredentialsIn;
if (this->ShowAuthSuccessDelegate.IsBound())
  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("`[Nothing bound to: ShowAuthSuccessDelegate]`"));

Email based Authentication

  1. To start email based authentication you'll start it with this call [EmailLogin(const FString& EmailIn)], supplying an email you've collected from the User in your GUI.

  2. Next [AuthRequiresCode] will fire when the backend is ready to receive the Code from your UI. Collect this code from your GUI and send it to the authenticator using [EmailCode(CodeIn)].

  3. Finally [AuthSuccess] will fire with a Credentials_BE struct as a parameter. This is your non registered credentials from EmailAuth. You are done Email Based Auth.

Social Signin based Authentication on Desktop

  1. To start SSO based authentication with desktop you can either use your own implementation to get the necessary id_token or you can make use of Unreal's web browser plugin.

  2. With whatever implementation you chose you can forward the colleted id_token to the UAuthenticator object with [SocialLogin(const FString& IDTokenIn)], after which [AuthSuccess] will fire and you're done desktop based SSO.

Social Signin based Authentication on Mobile