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Email + OTP

Email sign in provides the user with a One-Time-Password (OTP) challenge - a 6 digit code emailed to the entered address for the user to enter on the next page.

First, you'll want to enable email sign in for your project in the builder.

Built-in UI

If you are using the built-in UI, email + OTP sign in is enabled by default. The user can enter their email and click "Continue" on the built-in UI to trigger this flow.

Custom UI Integration

To start email based authentication you'll start it with this call [EmailLogin(const FString& EmailIn)], supplying an email you've collected from the User in your GUI.

Next [AuthRequiresCode] will fire when the [UAuthenticator] is ready to receive the Code from your UI. Collect this code from your GUI and send it to the authenticator using [EmailCode(CodeIn)].

Finally [AuthSuccess] will fire with a Credentials_BE struct as a parameter. You are done Email Based Auth.