To set your system up for Packaging please refer to the following links:
- Windows and MacOS
- Android
- iOS
- Mac Specific Software Requirements
- Setting up Visual Studio for Unreal on Windows
In order to prevent tampering with data you must encrypt your packaged project using Unreals packaging settings. You can refer to these docs for more information.
Hardware Requirements
For Hardware Requirements with Unreal please refer to these docs
Packaging for iOS
For iOS apps you also need to setup provisioning, following these docs
Social Sign In
Google: Please ensure you have a proper [GoogleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]
Apple: Please ensure you have a proper [AppleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]
, be sure you register and set your bundle identifier properly for your app
Apple Specific Requirements
For Apple sign in to work please be sure to register the [RedirectUrl] in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini] appropriately for your app.
Packaging for Android
Android SDK / NDK
When setting up your project to build for Android you'll need to update the following settings: In ProjectSettings/Android SDK Set SDK API Level to Android-34 Set NDK API Level to anything in the range [26,33] (We recommend using android-32)
Social Sign In
Google: In order to be able to properly use Google Auth, create and place the Keystore file by following these instructions.
You will also need to generate an [Android client ID] and a [Web Application client ID] for your application. And place the [Web Application client ID] in the [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]
, [GoogleClientID] field.
Refer to these docs to generate [Android client ID] and [Web Application client ID].
This guide helps explain how to collect SHA-1 key fingerprints for the [Android client ID].
Apple: Please ensure you have a proper [AppleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]
Unreal and Xcode Specifics
During the Unreal Package process in the event a code signing error occurs you can take the following steps within XCode to get your packaged .app file
- After packaging the project in Unreal, open the Xcode project (Sequence-unreal folder -> Intermediate -> ProjectFilesIOS -> SequenceUnreal.xcodeproj)
- Click on the project name on the left hand side to open up project settings
- Click the Build Phase Tab
- Click on the ‘+’ icon at the top left
- Select Run Script
- Drag the new run script to one below from the last item in the phase list
- Expand the run script
- In the script box, add the following command:
xattr -cr /[path-to-your-project]/[your-project-name]/Binaries/IOS/Payload/[]
- Click on the Build Settings tab
- Click on each item under the Architectures header that contains macOS and hit the delete key
- Click on the General tab
- Click on Mac and Applevision Pro under supported destinations and hit the delete key
- Now the project can be built (if the build fails at first, wait a few moments then try again. It can sometimes take a bit before the build registers the run script)
- Once you have finished running the project, and want to make changes to the code, REMEMBER to delete this xcodeproj file in the sequence-unreal folder to ensure that a new xcodeproj is creating when you packaging the project again.