Select the Chain ID from which you want to retrieve user information. By default, this is set to Polygon.
Set Chain Id
New Chain Type (ENetwork Enum)
The type of chain you want to request information from. This includes options like Ethereum Mainnet or Sepolia. ” + “Make sure that you select the correct chain for your project from Sequence’s Builder.
Retrieve the user’s token balances for ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens. This will return an array of all tokens
owned by the user.
Get Token Balances
Contract Address (FString)
An ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 contract address from which you want to retrieve data.
Wallet Address (FString)
The wallet address which owns tokens on the specified contract address.
Include Metadata (Boolean)
Enable this flag if you want to receive token metadata in the response.
Balances (SeqGetTokenBalancesReturn Struct)
Contains a SeqTokenBalance array that lists all token IDs owned by the specified wallet address. ” + “If ‘Include Metadata’ is set to true, token metadata is also included.
Retrieve the token supplies for an ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155 token.
Get Token Supplies
Contract Address (FString)
An ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 contract address from which you want to retrieve token supplies.
Include Metadata (Boolean)
Enable this flag if you want to receive token metadata in the response.
Supplies (SeqGetTokenSuppliesReturn Struct)
Contains a SeqTokenSupply array that lists all token IDs available on the specified contract address. ” + “Each element contains a ‘supply’ value. If ‘Include Metadata’ is set to true, token metadata is also included.
Retrieve a collection of token supplies for ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155 tokens.
Get Token Supplies Map
Token Map (FString->FSeqTokenList Map))
A map of token IDs that you want to retrieve data from.
Include Metadata (Boolean)
Enable this flag if you want to receive token metadata in the response.
Supplies (SeqGetTokenSuppliesMapReturn Struct)
Contains a SeqTokenSupply array for each specified ID in the ‘Token Map’. ” + “Each element contains a ‘supply’ value. If ‘Include Metadata’ is set to true, token metadata is also included.