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Try a Demo


Example API Call

Pulling top orders for a specific collection:

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "collectionAddress": "0x1693ffc74edbb50d6138517fe5cd64fd1c917709",
    "currencyAddresses": [
    "orderbookContractAddress": "0xB537a160472183f2150d42EB1c3DD6684A55f74c",
    "tokenIDs": ["0","1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
    "isListing": true,
    "priceSort": "DESC"

For more resources on leveraging the Sequence Market Protocol, check out the in-depth documentation.


Lastly, take a look at our end to end guide to get you off the ground running with your own marketplace & learn about the infrastructure that powers Sequence. This guide leverages several components of the sequence stack such as our Marketplace APIs and Indexer - all the components needed for accelerating development time & building a scalable in-game or browser based marketplace.