Utilize the Sequence marketplace protocols to build a marketplace that enables Shopify-like control over custom code development with Sequence source code.

The codebase that you can clone from CLI and begin with immediately enables users to perform offers and listings for collectible items. Customize which network your collections are on using this guide to deploy a collection using the Sequence Builder

Try a Demo

Check out our demo to see a boilerplate marketplace in action.

Quickstart: Marketplace Boilerplate

To get started quickly with a one-liner command in your bash terminal, use the following command and follow the prompts to initialize the environment:

npx sequence-cli marketplace create-marketplace-boilerplate

Custom Marketplace

Get started quickly with an example leveraging our Marketplace API and on-chain contracts to use as a starting point for your own.

Example API Call

Pull top orders for a specific collection:

curl --request POST \

--url https://marketplace-api.sequence.app/arbitrum-sepolia/rpc/Marketplace/GetTopOrders \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data '{

    "collectionAddress": "0x1693ffc74edbb50d6138517fe5cd64fd1c917709",

    "currencyAddresses": [



    "orderbookContractAddress": "0xB537a160472183f2150d42EB1c3DD6684A55f74c",

    "tokenIDs": ["0","1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],

    "isListing": true,

    "priceSort": "DESC"


For more resources on leveraging the Sequence Market Protocol, check out the in-depth documentation.


Lastly, take a look at our end to end guide to get you off the ground running with your own marketplace & learn about the infrastructure that powers Sequence. This guide leverages several components of the sequence stack such as our Marketplace APIs and Indexer - all the components needed for accelerating development time & building a scalable in-game or browser based marketplace.