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Sequence Smart Swaps leveraging currencies in player wallets to another currency on the same chain. Developers can define the target currency and Sequence will handle everything, including the UI and flow through Sequence Kit.

The power of smart swaps is intelligently detecting the currencies available to the user as well as batching multiple transactions together to if the user is utilizing a Sequence wallet to simplify the UX. You can say goodbye to separate approve and transfer transactions!

Enable the swap modal in Sequence Kit to onboard users using fiat currencies with a credit or debit card

We support the following chains for swaps:

  • Ethereum (Mainnet)
  • Ethereum (Sepolia)
  • Arbitrum
  • Avalanche
  • Base
  • Blast
  • BSC
  • Optimism
  • Polygon

Installation and Setup

To integrate the Swap feature with Kit, follow these steps:

Install the kit-checkout module:

npm install @0xsequence/kit-checkout
# or
pnpm install @0xsequence/kit-checkout
# or
yarn add @0xsequence/kit-checkout

Place the KitCheckoutProvider below the Sequence Kit Core Provider in your App:

import { KitCheckoutProvider } from '@0xsequence/kit-checkout'
const App = () => {
  return (
    <SequenceKit config={config}>
        <Page />

Import Swap Dependencies and Logic

  • currencyAddress: The address of the token to swap from (e.g., USDC).
  • currencyAmount: The amount to swap.
  • postSwapTransactions: An optional array of transactions to be executed after the swap, using the swapped tokens.
  • title: The modal's title.
  • description: A description of the swap and payment process.
import { useSwapModal, type SwapModalSettings } from '@0xsequence/kit-checkout'
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { openSwapModal } = useSwapModal()
  const onClick = () => {
    const chainId = 137
    const currencyAddress = '0x3c499c542cEF5E3811e1192ce70d8cC03d5c3359'
    const currencyAmount = '20000'
    const contractAbiInterface = new ethers.Interface(['function demo()']) // Optionally, replace with your contract's abi interface
    const data = contractAbiInterface.encodeFunctionData('demo', []) as `0x${string}` // Optionally, replace 'demo' with the function you want to call,
    const swapModalSettings: SwapModalSettings = {
      onSuccess: () => {
        console.log('swap successful!')
      postSwapTransactions: [ // Optionally, replace with the transaction you would like to execute after the swap has taken place.
          to: '0x37470dac8a0255141745906c972e414b1409b470',
      title: 'Swap and Pay',
      description: 'Select a token in your wallet to swap to 0.2 USDC.'
  return <button onClick={onClick}>Swap and Pay</button>