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Connect Wallet

Sequence is a very flexible wallet which allow users multiple ways to connect / access their wallet. This includes:

  1. On-demand Ethereum web wallet for new users via 0xsequence npm package + -- this option allows developers to offer users an on-demand web3 wallet. No user install required -- any browser will just work, and users can onboard with a familiar Web2 experience. Think of it like Paypal / Stripe but for web3.

  2. Surf all of web3 via Sequence Wallet Chrome Extension -- users who have the Sequence Wallet Chrome Extension installed are able to access any Ethereum-compatible Dapp on the Web :) Just like how MetaMask works, but of course with a bunch of the benefits of Sequence.

  3. Mobile phone access via WalletConnect support within Sequence Wallet -- users are able to communicate with their wallets remotely via the awesome Wallet Connect protocol. This is an excellent option if using Sequence Wallet from your mobile phone and want to connect your wallet to a desktop dapp.

Sequence Wallet is built on Web Browser (W3C) and Ethereum web3 standards -- and is available everywhere that a modern browser is able to run. We've carefully designed the wallet for simple onboarding, while maintaining security for users, and allowing users to progressively increase the level of their security through additional keys and measures.

This means, that if you've developed a dapp to work with MetaMask, then Sequence will work too without any changes. If you're using web3.js or ethers.js, Sequence will just work too. This is the beauty of interoperability on web3 :)

Connecting your dapp with 0xsequence

Your dapp can connect to your user's wallet by first instantiating the Wallet provider:

import { sequence } from "0xsequence";
const projectAccessKey = "<access_key>";
// This assumes your dapp runs on Ethereum mainnet
const wallet = sequence.initWallet(projectAccessKey);
// If your dapp runs on a different EVM-compatible blockchain, you can specify its name
// const wallet = sequence.initWallet(projectAccessKey, { defaultNetwork: 'polygon' });

Note that is possible to retrieve the above instance by using the getWallet() method:

import { sequence } from "0xsequence";
const wallet = sequence.getWallet();

Once you have the instance, you can connect to the wallet:

const connectDetails = await wallet.connect({
  app: "Your Dapp name",
  authorize: true,
  // And pass settings if you would like to customize further
  settings: {
    theme: "light",
    bannerUrl: "", // 3:1 aspect ratio, 1200x400 works best
    includedPaymentProviders: ["moonpay", "ramp"],
    defaultFundingCurrency: "matic",
    lockFundingCurrencyToDefault: false,
console.log("user accepted connect?", connectDetails.connected);
  "users signed connect proof to valid their account address:",

You can pick/limit the available sign in options with signInOptions. Will be ignored if user is already signed in.

const wallet = sequence.getWallet();
await wallet.connect({
  app: "Your Dapp name",
  settings: { signInOptions: ["google"] },

After you connect, you can use wallet.openWallet() to open the wallet:

const wallet = sequence.getWallet();

You can also optionally pass a path, and use openWithOptions intent to pass settings when you open the wallet:

const settings: Settings = {
  theme: "dark",
  bannerUrl: "", // 3:1 aspect ratio, 1200x400 works best
  includedPaymentProviders: ["moonpay", "ramp"],
  defaultFundingCurrency: "eth",
  lockFundingCurrencyToDefault: false,
const intent: OpenWalletIntent = {
  type: "openWithOptions",
  options: {
    settings: settings,
const wallet = sequence.getWallet();
const path = "wallet/add-funds";
wallet.openWallet(path, intent);

Avoid Browsers Blocking Sequence Popup

Most browsers will block popups if they are called outside of user-triggered event handlers like onclick, or when it takes too long to process between the user action and the actual window

Read more about browser popup-blocking here.

Sequence on-demand sign in

Sequence on-demand sign in, connect

Wallet Login and Connect Options

Dapps with direct sequence integration can specify a ConnectOptions object when running wallet.connect().

const connectDetails = await wallet.connect(connectOptions)

The option parameters are described below.


App name of the dapp which will be announced to user on connect screen.

Example: await wallet.connect({ app: 'My defi app' })


Custom protocol for auth redirect (unity/unreal).


Origin hint of the dapp's host opening the wallet. This value will automatically be determined and verified for integrity, and can be omitted.


Expiry number (in seconds) that is used for ETHAuth proof. Default is 1 week in seconds.

Example: await wallet.connect({ expiry: 36000 })


authorize will perform an ETHAuth eip712 signing and return the proof to the dapp.

Example: await wallet.connect({ authorize: true })


authorizeNonce is an optional number to be passed as ETHAuth's nonce claim for replay protection.

Example: await wallet.connect({ authorizeNonce: 123 })


refresh flag will force a full re-connect (ie. disconnect then connect again).

Example: await wallet.connect({ refresh: true })


keepWalletOpened will keep the wallet window open after connecting. The default is to automatically close the wallet after connecting.

Example: await wallet.connect({ keepWalletOpened: true })


askForEmail will ask user whether they want to share the email they use to sign in to wallet while connecting, and will be returned in connectDetails.

Example: await wallet.connect({ askForEmail: true })


Name of one of the available theme provided by sequence the sequence wallet will be rendered with.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {theme: "light"}}


URL of a banner image users will see when connecting or logging into your dapp. The banner image should follow a 3:1 aspect ration where 1200x400 works best.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {bannerUrl: ""}}


Specify signInWith with a supported auth provider to automatically sign in the user with that provider only. Will be ignored if user is already signed in.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {signInWith: "google"}}

Supported Providers: "google", "discord", "twitch", "apple", "facebook"


Specify signInWithEmail with an email address to allow user automatically sign in with the email option. Will be ignored if user is already signed in.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {signInWithEmail: "[email protected]"}}


Specify signInOptions to pick/limit the available sign in options. Will be ignored if user is already signed in.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {signInOptions: ["email", "google", "apple"]}}


List of payment providers users will be able to access. By default, users can access all payment providers integrated in Sequence.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {includedPaymentProviders: ["moonpay", "ramp"]}}


The tag of the default currency to show when users open the payment provider page. The currency has to be supported by the payment providers integrated in sequence.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {defaultFundingCurrency: "usdc"}}


Use to specify a default purchase amount, as an integer, for prefilling the funding amount. If not specified, the default is 100.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {defaultPurchaseAmount: 200}}


Whether to only allow users to purchase the default currency specified by the defaultFundingCurrency option. If set to false, users will also be able to purchase other tokens. locking the default funding currency can be useful to prevent users from purchasing the wrong currency or the currency on the wrong chain.

Example: await wallet.connect({ settings: {defaultFundingCurrency: true}}

Connecting your dapp with web3.js or ethers.js

For a full example of a dapp which supports Sequence (on-demand + chrome extension), Metamask, and WalletConnect please see the Demo-Dapp-Web3Modal repo.

Sequence Web3Modal Integration

Connecting to any Ethereum dapp with the Sequence Wallet Chrome Extension

Sequence Chrome Extension: Install

Sequence Chrome Extension

Connecting via WalletConnect

Sequence already supports connecting to dapps via WalletConnect. If your dapp already supports WalletConnect, and you don't need Sequence-specific functionality, nothing more needs to be done. From the user's perspective, the WalletConnect flow behaves as follows.

Taking Uniswap as an example, the user is prompted to connect their wallet using one of multiple possible protocols.

Uniswap swap page

The user selects the WalletConnect option.

Uniswap select Wallet Connect option

A QR code is displayed, which can be scanned by Sequence. Alternatively, the user can also choose to copy the connection details via their OS clipboard.

Sign users in with a QR code using wallet connect

Back in the Sequence interface, the user chooses "Scan".

scan a QR code to enable wallet sign in

The QR code from the dapp is scanned. Alternatively, the code is pasted from the OS clipboard if the user chose that previously.

Camera to scan a Wallet Connect QR code

The user confirms the connection request.

A user confirming a request with Wallet Connect

The connection succeeded, and the dapp is updated to reflect that.

A success message for Wallet Connect

While connected, the dapp is able to make signing requests to Sequence. Sequence will always prompt for confirmation from the user for any activity initiated by the dapp.

Confirmation by user activity to initiate a dapp transaction

Once the user has finished using the dapp, they can disconnect the wallet via the session menu.

A user disconnecting from the app using Wallet Connect