Sequence’s Unity SDK includes a range of features to help you bootstrap your game. You can create them as shown below or duplicate the .prefab files from the Packages > Sequence Embedded Wallet SDK > Sequence > SequenceBoilerplates > Prefabs folder and customize them to fit your needs.

Ensure that your codebase has access to the Sequence.Boilerplates.asmdef assembly.

Checkout the BoilerplateController.cs for more integration examples.


Create the SequenceLoginWindow prefab to authenticate users as a Guest, with Email OTP, Google- or Apple Sign In.

Checkout the Authentication section for more details on how to configure your project for each login option.

Unity Boilerplate Login

[SerializeField] private SequenceLoginWindow _loginWindow;


In-Game Shop

Accelerate your game growth by selling items directly to your players. Create the SequencePlayerProfile prefab to show an In-Game Shop that utilizes game items from a ERC1155 contract, which users purchase using any custom or existing ERC20 currency.

Primary Sales Contract: Learn how to set up and deploy contracts for launching a primary sale.

Unity Boilerplate Shop

[SerializeField] private SequenceInGameShop _inGameShop;

_inGameShop.Show(wallet, chain, collectionAddress, saleContractAddress, itemsForSale);

Daily Rewards

Unity Boilerplate Daily Rewards

[SerializeField] private SequenceDailyRewards _dailyRewards;

_dailyRewards.Show(wallet, chain, apiUrl);

Player Profile

Create the SequencePlayerProfile prefab to manage your current profile. This includes functionalities such as Sign Out, linking external wallets, sending native tokens, and QR code to receive funds.

Unity Boilerplate Profile

[SerializeField] private SequencePlayerProfile _playerProfile;

_playerProfile.Show(wallet, chain);


Create the SequenceInventory prefab to show all items owned by a user from any ERC1155 or ERC721 contract.

Unity Boilerplate Inventory

[SerializeField] private SequenceInventory _inventory;

_inventory.Show(wallet, chain, collectionAddress);

Sign Messages

Create the SequenceSignMessage prefab to show a modal that lets you sign a specified text.

Unity Boilerplate Signmessage

[SerializeField] private SequenceSignMessage _signMessage;

_signMessage.Show(wallet, chain);

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