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Sequence Analytics API in Dune

Time to complete: 20-30 minutes

In this guide, we will show you how to use the Sequence Builder analytics feature to query information about usage from your users for your specific project leveraging a serverless Cloudflare Worker.

Showcase to your community how well you're doing via a Dune dashboard to give a sense of connectiveness, or, use the produced API to incorporate intelligent feedback loops into your game driven by user analytics.

You can view an example of the output for this guide here

  1. Access Key Management: Claim a secret access key to interact with the Sequence stack
  2. Cloudflare Worker: Create a function that queries the Sequence stack and produces project specific data points
  3. Dune Dashboard: Create a view into the data as a shareable dashboard

1. Access Key Management

You'll need to acquire a Secret Access Key for your project in order to authenticate your application with the Sequence stack. Use the following steps:

Secret Access Key Creation

Access Settings

First start by accessing settings, and selecting the API Keys card:

builder settings access keys

Add Service Account

Scroll down and select + Add Service Account:

builder settings add service account

Select Write Permission

Then change the permission to Write, click on + Add Service Account, and select Confirm:

builder settings add service account

Finally copy the key and store it in a safe location, as you will not have access to this in the future from the Sequence Builder.

2. Cloudflare Worker

In this example, we utilize a Cloudflare Worker to experience automatic scaling based on dashboard use, and easy deployments from the cli, but of course you can use your own backend or other serverless alternatives.

Create Project

In order to create the project from scratch, first create a project with mkdir, cd into the project, and run pnpm init to create a package.json.

"Hello World" Worker

Make sure wrangler cli is installed in your project and set the wrangler keyword as an alias in your local bash session.

pnpm install wrangler --save-dev
alias wrangler='./node_modules/.bin/wrangler'

Create an account on the Cloudflare site and perform a login step to login to your Cloudflare dashboard to connect the Cloudflare platform to your local development environment.

wrangler login

Once logged in, initialize the project in the directory with the command wrangler init and accept one of the randomly generated project folder names provided that you like, and follow the prompts to initialize your git tracked typescript "Hello World" Worker application.

wrangler init

To complete this step, you should press enter 4 times after wrangler init with the last 2 step answered as No to decline git versioning and deployment.

This will clone down a starter repository that can be used to deploy code to the cloud.

Deploy Test

Finally, cd into the randomly generated project folder, and perform a wrangler deploy command.

This should print a URL, which you can enter in the browser the URL https://<app>.<account> to view the Hello World! result.

Setup Config, Routes, & Mock functions

Once you have the project setup, update your wrangler.toml with the following variables, where DAYS is the time period you're looking at:


Then include the Env type with the variables in index.ts:

export interface Env {
	PROJECT_ID: number;
	DAYS: number;

Replace the existing fetch function with the following mocked function calls:

export default {
	async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
		const url = new URL(request.url);
		// Handle different endpoints
		if (url.pathname === "/dailyActiveUsers") {
			return handleDailyWallets(env, request);
		} else if (url.pathname === "/totalTransactionsSent") {
			return handleTotalTxns(env, request);
		} else {
			return new Response("No function for this URL", { status: 405 });

Using the following functions:

const handleDailyWallets = async (env: Env, request: Request) => {
	return new Response(JSON.stringify({endpoint: 'daily'}), { status: 200 });
const handleTotalTxns = async (env: Env, request: Request) => {
	return new Response(JSON.stringify({endpoint: 'total'}), { status: 200 });

Date Formatting

Next, include the following utility functions to parse the correct date from the updated value in the wrangler.toml for the DAYS variable:

const endDate = () => {
	const today = new Date();
	return today.toISOString().substring(0, 10); // only including the YYYY-MM-DD date
const startDate = (env: Env) => {
	const today = new Date();
	// Format today's date as a string
	const daysBefore = new Date(today);
	daysBefore.setDate(daysBefore.getDate() - env.DAYS);
	// Format the date 7 days before as a string by only including the YYYY-MM-DD date
	const daysBeforeString = daysBefore.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
	return daysBeforeString

Daily Active Users

Now, handle the Daily Active Users request by using the following function, that calls the Sequence Analytics API:

const handleDailyWallets = async (env: Env, request: Request) => {
	const resp = await fetch(
			method: 'POST',
			headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json',
			'Authorization': `Bearer ${env.SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY}`
			body: JSON.stringify({
			filter: {
				dateInterval: 'DAY',
				endDate: endDate(),
				projectId: env.PROJECT_ID,
				startDate: startDate(env)
	const data: any = await resp.json();
	return new Response(JSON.stringify(data.walletStats), { status: 200 });

Total Transactions Sent

Finally, add the following function for the Total Transactions Sent:

const handleTotalTxns = async (env: Env, request: Request) => {
	const resp = await fetch(
		  method: 'POST',
		  headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json',
			'Authorization': `Bearer ${env.SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY}`
		  body: JSON.stringify({
			filter: {
			  dateInterval: 'DAY',
			  endDate: endDate(),
			  projectId: env.PROJECT_ID,
			  startDate: startDate(env)
	const data: any = await resp.json();
	return new Response(JSON.stringify(data.walletStats), { status: 200 });

Included Spacing for Days of Zero Data

Included in the Sequence Analytics API is the days with zero activity removed from the response. However, if you want to include days with zero data in your Dune queries to showcase the spacing of time in relation of data, you can use the following function to complete the days not showing data in the correct date format:

const fillMissingDates = (data: any[], startDate: string, endDate: string) => {
	const filledData: { value: number, label: string }[] = [];
	const start = new Date(startDate);
	const end = new Date(endDate);
	for (let d = new Date(start); d <= end; d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
		const dateString = d.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
		const existingData = data.find(entry => entry.label === dateString);
		if (existingData) {
		} else {
			filledData.push({ value: 0, label: dateString });
	return filledData;

Then for both call responses include the following method call with the walletStats data passed in:

	const data: any = await resp.json();
	const filledData = fillMissingDates(data.walletStats, startDate(env), endDate());
	return new Response(JSON.stringify(filledData), { status: 200 });

Now you can test your API by calling the respective paths with host name (/dailyActiveUsers & /totalTransactionsSent) once you have redeployed with wrangler deploy.

3. Dune Dashboard

Dune Sign Up

First, sign up to Dune

Create Query

Access your account at<account> and select the Create button and New query.

dune create query

Daily Active Users Query

Input the following SQL query in the console, and select Run:

  t.label as "Date", -- converting the label to "Date"
  t.value as "Count" -- converting the value field to "Count"
    JSON_PARSE(HTTP_GET('https://<URL>/dailyActiveUsers')) AS ARRAY(ROW(label VARCHAR, value DOUBLE))
) AS t(label, value)

Once the results have been returned, create a New visualization.

Then, select Add visualization after the default Bar chart is selected from the dropdown (but feel free to customize this).

add visualization

Finally, click Save and add a name to your query.

save query

Total Transactions Sent Query

Repeat the steps from the previous step and use the following SQL query:

    JSON_PARSE(HTTP_GET('https://<URL>/totalTransactionsSent')) AS ARRAY(ROW(label VARCHAR, value DOUBLE))
) AS t(label, value)

Once the results have been returned, create a New visualization.

Then, select Add visualization and scroll down to Counter to create a counter widget that returns the absolute total returned from the API.

Create New Dashboard

Access the buttons that read Create > New dashboard and input a name for the new dashboard.

dune create dashboard

Once created add the previous 2 queries by selecting Edit and Add visualization.

dune edit dashboard

dune add visualization from dashboard

Once for each query, search for the name in the modal and select Add for each query, then Done in the modal, and Done in the dashboard.

Congratulations, you're now ready to share your project's data usage with your teammates or community. Finish by clicking the Share button.

dune share dashboard