Collection Metadata Management
Time to complete: 20 minutes
In this guide we'll walk you through how to store media using the Sequence Collections API with Cloudflare Workers, as well as read from the Metadata API to render images
This can be accomplished with 8 steps
- Obtain a Secret API Key from the Sequence Builder Console
- Create Collection from a cURL request one time
- Create Token create a token using a tokenID
- Create Asset create an assetID
- Store an Image process and store an image
- Update to Non-private update an asset to be non-private
- Publish Collection from a cURL request one time
- Render Asset from API from a cURL request one time
First follow this section of the Collectible Minting Service Guide guide to create a cloudflare worker
1. Obtain a Secret API Key
In order to use the backend service, a Secret API
Key must be obtained to authenticate requests to your project
First start by accessing settings, and selecting the API Keys from the Sequence Builder Console
Scroll down and select + Add Service Account
Then change the access to write
and confirm
Finally copy
the key and store it in your wrangler.toml
, as you will not have access to this in the future from the Sequence Builder Console.
2. Create Collection from a cURL Request
As a one time requirement to uploading media to the service, a collection has to be first made. By using the Secret API Key
and projectID
retrieved from the Builder Console
We call the service to retrieve a collectionID
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <secret_API_key or jwt_access_key>' \
--data '{
"projectId": <project_id>,
"collection": {
"metadata": {
"name": "<collection_name>",
"description": "<description>",
"external_link" : "<https://link>"
"image": "",
"decimals": <decimals_typically_as_0>,
"properties": null,
"attributes": null
We then set the collectionID
from the returned response in the wrangler.toml
3. Create Token using TokenID
Install the metadata package to use the SequenceCollections
with pnpm install @0xsequence/metadata
import { SequenceCollections } from '@0xsequence/metadata'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
const METADATA_URL = ''
const collectionsService = new SequenceCollections(METADATA_URL, JWT_ACCESS_KEY)
const randomTokenIDSpace = ethers.BigNumber.from(ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(20)))
const res1 = await collectionsService.createToken({
projectId: projectID,
collectionId: collectionID,
token: {
tokenId: String(randomTokenIDSpace),
name: name,
description: description,
decimals: 0,
attributes: attributes // can leave blank
4. Create Asset using TokenID
In the request, set the metadadaField
(assetType) to image
, with the other necessary fields completed to return an asset response to be used in the next step
const jsonCreateAsset = await collectionsService.createAsset({
projectId: projectID,
asset: {
id: Number(String(randomTokenIDSpace).slice(0,10)),
collectionId: collectionID,
tokenId: String(randomTokenIDSpace),
metadataField: "image"
5. Store Image Asset
With the passed in
from the previous jsonCreateAsset
const uploadAsset = async (env: Env, projectID: any, collectionID: any, assetID: any, tokenID: any, url: any) => {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to fetch file from ${url}: ${response.statusText}`);
const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', blob, `image.png`); // You might want to dynamically determine the filename
// Construct the endpoint URL
const endpointURL = `${METADATA_URL}/projects/${projectID}/collections/${collectionID}/tokens/${tokenID}/upload/${assetID}`;
try {
// Use fetch to make the request
const fetchResponse = await fetch(endpointURL, {
method: 'PUT',
body: formData,
headers: {
'X-Access-Key': env.PROJECT_ACCESS_KEY,
'Authorization': `Bearer ${env.JWT_ACCESS_KEY}`, // Put your token here
// Assuming the response is JSON
const data = await fetchResponse.json();
return data;
const uploadAssetRes = await uploadAsset(env, projectID, collectionID,, String(randomTokenIDSpace), imageUrl)
Where the returned uploadAssetRes.url
is the media file url living on Sequence servers
6. Update Non-private Token
Now, we make the token non-private by setting a private
boolean to false
const res3 = await collectionsService.updateToken({
projectId: projectID,
collectionId: collectionID,
private: false,
tokenId: String(randomTokenIDSpace),
token: {
name: name,
attributes: attributes,
tokenId: String(randomTokenIDSpace),
7. Publish Collection From A cURL Request
Finally, also as a one time request, we publish the collection based on the projectID
and collectionID
by running the following command
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <secrect_API_key or jwt_access_key> \
--data '{
"projectId": <project_id>,
"collectionId": <collection_id>
This would make the collection and all the tokens with the private flag set as false
accessible publicly, while others remain hidden until changed
8. Render Asset from API Publicly
You can test your prior work, by calling this cURL request with the updated variables, which will download the file to your local terminal.
Or, you can copy and paste into a browser and see the image
Where if you used the same code, the <file_name>
will be image.png
curl --location '<project_id>/collections/<collection_id>/tokens/<token_id>/<file_name>' --output stored_file.png
And if you were using the collection for the baseURI
of an ERC721
or ERC1155
you would write to a smart contract setBaseMetadataURI
the following URI<project_id>/collections/<collection_id>/tokens/
And the smart contract will automatically append the tokenID
to the end
Give it a try
Or in a browser
Render Asset from API Privately
Alternatively, you can decide to keep your assets stored private, but still render the data with a header
secret api key passed in with the parameters completed, and for this guide the metadata_field
is set to image
curl --location '<project_id>/collections/<collection_id>/tokens/<token_id>/asset/<metadada_field>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <secret_api_key or jwt_access_key>' \
--output stored_file.png