Sequence Embedded Wallets offered enable the ability to federate multiple social accounts to a single wallet address. This enables experiences to have a single on-chain address, while allowing users to access the wallet through multiple points of identity authentication.

An important feature of Embedded Wallet Account Federation is that these wallets will aggregate based on the first signed-in login provider, whether authenticated via social, email, or a guest wallet. This means the wallet address is based on the first signed-in wallet and subsequent sign-in’s will link to that initial wallet.

When a federated account has been connected to a main account, logging out and individually using that previously linked account will yield the same address into the future.

Social Provider Account Federation

The following allows a developer to initiate an authentication using initAuth using the same parameters as the first signed-in session on the WaaS object with an additional guest or social provider, where the provider challenge is returned and passed to the linkAccount function:

const challenge = await sequence.initAuth({/* same params as signIn function */})

const linkResponse = await sequence.linkAccount(challenge)

Email One-Time Password Account Federation

Using the one-time password email approach to authenticate requires the password sent to the users’ email to be passed into the challenge, and called via the linkAccount function:

const challenge = await sequence.initAuth({ email })

// if the linking account is email then you need to provide the answer (code)

const linkResponse = await sequence.linkAccount(challenge.withAnswer(code))

Account Federation with Guest Wallets

It is common practice for games to enable a user to sign-in within the background of an application with a guest wallet, have that wallet stored in the cache by the SDK, then later prompt the user for a social login provider to link to the first initial wallet using one of the previously explained approaches.

Therefore, if assets have been accumulated in the wallet, transactions performed on-chain, or signatures have been saved, the wallet can have continuity.

Using a guest wallet first approach can enable a user to try a game or experience invisibly, before authenticating for the long term and smoothing the onboarding process.

Developers can use the above methodologies once a guest is authenticated in order to ensure the user can reaccess their account going forward.

List Accounts

Calling listAccounts will return an object with the following: an array of accounts object(s) (with id, type, and issuer), as well as the currentAccountId, for example: "Guest:0x0104...:

import { SequenceWaaS } from "@0xsequence/waas";

const sequence = new SequenceWaaS(


    projectAccessKey: `${process.env.VITE_PROJECT_ACCESS_KEY}`,

    waasConfigKey: `${process.env.VITE_WAAS_CONFIG_KEY}`,

    network: "arbitrum-nova",



... // authentication

const response = await sequence.listAccounts()



Removing accounts

You can also remove accounts from the list of accounts previously associated with your configuration:

// Call list accounts

const accounts = await sequence.listAccounts();

const accountId = accounts[0].id; // Get the ID of the first account

try {

    await sequence.removeAccount(accountId);

} catch (error) {

    console.error('Failed to remove account:', error);
