Transaction receipts
The content explains the generation of transaction receipts for successful and failed transactions.
Transaction Receipts: Transactions return receipts indicating success or failure. Failed receipts are generated without transaction execution.
Successful Transaction Response: A successful transaction provides a SentTransactionResponse. Always verify this response with the isSentTransactionResponse
type guard before accessing the transaction hash.
Understanding Transaction Details
Fields in Transaction Responses:
- txHash: The hash of the transaction sent to the network.
- receipt.logs: Logs emitted during the transaction.
- receipt.status: Indicates if the transaction SUCCEEDED or FAILED.
- receipt.revertReason: Explains why a transaction was reverted, if applicable.
To view the full response object, see the Response payloads section.
Failed transaction response
An In-Game Wallet pre-empts failing transactions by simulating them on the network before actual submission. If the simulation fails, the transaction is not sent, and a FailedTransactionResponse is returned.
To view the full response object, see the wallet Response payloads section.
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