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Analytics in Sequence Builder

When you use Sequence, via our SDKs, to build your application, you can see key insights in Sequence Builder. You don't need to do any additional work to see valuable metrics about your project, such as the number of connected wallets or daily transaction requests.

How it works

When requests are made with Sequence SDKs/APIs, analytics events are fired and sent to our internal analytics system, Databeat. Databeat anonymizes the data and stores it in a secure database designed for high-volume, real-time applications. The metrics you see in Builder are queried from the database, in real-time, for your project and presented in insightful visualizations.


In the Overview tab of Builder, you will see the key, high-level metrics for your project. Metric cards will show the total value for that metric, and clicking on one will change the chart to show time-series data for that metric.

Wallets connected

Wallets connected represents the count of distinct wallet addresses connected via Sequence SDKs for the selected time period.

Sequence Builder analytics wallets connected

Marketplace transactions

Marketplace transactions shows the total number of buy and sell events that occure via the Sequence Marketplace API.

Sequence Builder analytics marketplace transactions

Transaction requests

Transaction requests represents the total number of transactions sent by wallets associated with the project.

Sequence Builder analytics transaction requests