A common use case is to see the number of wallets that are integrated with your project. We have a variety of endpoints that can be used for tracking and reporting fine-grained data such as device, country, and more so you can precisely identify

Replace the PROJECT_ID and SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY variables with your project ID and secret token from Sequence Builder.

Fetch wallets for a time interval for a project ID

Here we can pass a specific date range along with the dateInterval parameter in order to get wallets within a time interval. The endpoints can use “DAY”, “WEEK” or “MONTH” as possible options.

curl 'https://api.sequence.build/rpc/Builder/WalletsDaily' \

  -H 'accept: */*' \

  -H 'authorization: BEARER <SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY>' \

  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

  --data-raw '{"filter":{"projectId":<PROJECT_ID>,"startDate":"2024-04-23","endDate":"2024-05-23", "dateInterval":"DAY"}}'

Fetch wallets by Country

You can also fetch wallets by country to see where your users are logged in from.

curl 'https://api.sequence.build/rpc/Builder/WalletsByCountry' \

  -H 'accept: */*' \

  -H 'authorization: BEARER <SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY>' \

  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

  --data-raw '{"filter":{"projectId":<PROJECT_ID>,"startDate":"2024-04-23","endDate":"2024-05-23", "dateInterval":"DAY"}}'

Fetch wallets by Device

Additionally, you may want to query by device to get an aggregrated snapshot of where your users are authenticating from.

curl 'https://api.sequence.build/rpc/Builder/WalletsByDevice' \

  -H 'accept: */*' \

  -H 'authorization: BEARER <SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY>' \

  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

  --data-raw '{"filter":{"projectId":<PROJECT_ID>,"startDate":"2024-04-23","endDate":"2024-05-23", "dateInterval":"DAY"}}'

Fetch transactions by wallets

Lastly, you may want to fetch the number of transactions by wallets - these can used either by total or a fixed time interval.


curl 'https://api.sequence.build/rpc/Builder/WalletsTxnSentTotal' \

  -H 'accept: */*' \

  -H 'authorization: BEARER <SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY>' \

  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

  --data-raw '{"filter":{"projectId":<PROJECT_ID>,"startDate":"2024-04-23","endDate":"2024-05-23"}}'

Time Interval

curl 'https://api.sequence.build/rpc/Builder/WalletsTxnSentDaily' \

  -H 'accept: */*' \

  -H 'authorization: BEARER <SECRET_API_ACCESS_KEY>' \

  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

  --data-raw '{"filter":{"projectId":<PROJECT_ID>,"startDate":"2024-04-23","endDate":"2024-05-23", "dateInterval":"DAY"}}'


All wallet analytic endpoints follow a similar request schema

  • Request: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body (in JSON):
    • projectId (uint64) — projectID of your project, can be found in the URL of the Builder project.
    • startDate (timestamp) — starting date of the query in YYYY—MM—DD format
    • endDate (timestamp) — ending date of the query in YYYY—MM—DD format
    • dateInterval (string) — date interval for the query, options are “DAY”, “WEEK”, or “MONTH”
  • Response (in JSON):
    • walletStats (walletStats[])
      • value (uint64) — # of wallets matching the query
      • label (string) — label associated with the corresponding endpoint