Sequence Indexer is a simple API to query any blockchain token and NFT data. Below are instructions on how to integrate the Sequence Indexer API into your Webapps, Games, and backends. In case you missed it, please also see the Indexer Overview.


The Sequence Indexer is built as a HTTP API with RPC endpoints that you may call directly from your Webapp, Game or server backend. Below you’ll find information on the RPC endpoint schema with sample curl commands, along with examples in both Javascript/Typescript and Go.

We provide SDKs for Web / node.js and Go. Or if you’d like to integrate the Indexer with another language target, simply follow the API reference below to implement the HTTP requests. Additionally, read the Typescript client source code as reference implementation of the Indexer API client as well.

Web / node.js Installation

npm install 0xsequence ethers

This code requires an API Access Key from Sequence Builder.

import { SequenceIndexer } from '@0xsequence/indexer'

// see https://docs.sequence.xyz for list of

// indexer hosts for the chain you'd like to query

const indexer = new SequenceIndexer('', 'AQAAAAAAAF_JvPALhBthL7VGn6jV0YDqaFY')

// see examples below for the kinds of queries you can make

const tokenBalances = await indexer.getTokenBalances(...)

NOTE: if you’re using @0xsequence/indexer from node.js, we recommend using node v18.x or newer.

Go Installation

go get -u

then in your app,

import (



// see https://docs.sequence.xyz for list of

// indexer hosts for the chain you'd like to query

seqIndexer := indexer.NewIndexer("", "AQAAAAAAAF_JvPALhBthL7VGn6jV0YDqaFY")

// see examples below for the kinds of queries you can make

accountAddress := "ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"

includeMetadata := true

metadataOptions := indexer.MetadataOptions{

	VerifiedOnly: true,


_, tokenBalances, err := seqIndexer.GetTokenBalances(context.Background(), &accountAddress, nil, nil, &includeMetadata, &metadataOptions, nil, nil)

Unity or Unreal Installation

The Sequence Indexer is integrated directly inside of the respective Sequence Unity and Sequence Unreal SDKs.