Fee selection is only necessary if you aren’t already using Sequence Builder’s gas sponsorship capabilities! Create your project in Sequence Builder for ease of development today!

import { Session } from '@0xsequence/auth'

import { ethers } from 'ethers'

const config = {

  mnemonic: 'YOUR MNEMONIC',

  projectAccessKey: 'YOUR PROJECT ACCESS KEY',

  chainId: ChainId.YOUR_CHAIN_ID // e.g. ChainId.MAINNET, ChainId.POLYGON, etc.


const signer = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(config.mnemonic)

const session = await Session.singleSigner({ signer, projectAccessKey: config.projectAccessKey })

const account = session.account.getSigner(config.chainId, {

  async selectFee(_transactions, options) {

    // This callback is called with the list of candidate fee options.

    console.log('Fee options:', JSON.stringify(options, undefined, 2))

    // Select the USDC fee option.

    return options.find(option => option.token.symbol === 'USDC')

