Bootstrap your Game
Sequence's Unreal SDK includes a range of features to help you bootstrap your game.
You can create them as shown below or duplicate the .uasset
files from the Plugins/SequencePlugin Content/Samples/
folder and customize them to fit your needs.
Create the Sequence Inventory
widget to display a QR code to receive funds or send funds to other wallets.
Chain (ENetwork Enum)
The chain type (Ethereum, Sepolia, ..) on which the specified contract is deployed.
Wallet Address (FString)
The wallet address of the user for whom you want to list the inventory items.
Contract (FString)
The address of an ERC1155 or ERC721 contract where the specified wallet address owns items.
Primary Sale
Create the Sequence Primary Sale
widget to display a QR code to receive funds or send funds to other wallets.
Chain (ENetwork Enum)
The chain type (Ethereum, Sepolia, ..) on which the specified contracts are deployed.
Token Contract Address (FString)
The address of the ERC1155 or ERC721 token contract you deployed using Sequence's Builder.
Sale Contract Address (FString)
The address of the sale contract you deployed using Sequence's Builder.
Payment Token (FString)
The ERC20 token address you specified on the 'Mint Access' section of your Sale contract.
Price (Integer)
The price for each token you specified on the 'Mint Access' section of your Sale contract.
Tokens for Sale (Integer Array)
A list of token IDs (e.g. [0, 1, 2]) that you display in your user interface.
My Wallet View
Create the Sequence Profile
widget to display a QR code to receive funds or send funds to other wallets.
Chain (ENetwork Enum)
The chain type (Ethereum, Sepolia, ..) where you want to run your game.
Wallet Address (FString)
The wallet address of the user for whom you want to display this view.
Enable Send (Boolean)
Indicates whether to enable the button to open a send view. Set this to false if you want to display the profile of another user.