Sequence provides a suite of options to more effectively monetize your blockchain-enabled game like our various Marketplace options and Sequence Pay - the ultimate toolkit for payments in crypto.

Sequence Pay

Sequence Pay addresses the complexity of handling multi-currency payments, swaps, on-ramping, and transactions in blockchain games, marketplaces, launchpads, and more. The solution introduces streamlined methods and user interface flows in Sequence Kit for web, integrations directly with game engines via our Unity and Unreal SDKs, as well as APIs for Sequence Smart Swaps.

  • Smart Swap with Sequence leveraging currencies in player wallets to another currency on the same chain. Developers can define the target currency and Sequence will handle everything, including the UI and flow through Sequence Kit as well as a suite of APIs. The power comes in conjunction with leveraging Sequence Wallets where we can automatically detect the correct currency to swap to and automatically batch the transactions together to simplify the UXs. Say goodbye to separate approve and transfer transactions!
  • Purchase an ERC721 or ERC1155 token via Sequence Checkout using a primary or secondary sales contract such as a marketplace with the following payment options:
    • Purchase with any cryptocurrency in the wallet.
    • Transfer funds from another wallet to a Sequence wallet and purchase.
    • Pay using a credit or debit card which will intelligently detect the correct provider for each region, chain and currency.
    • Pay with another cryptocurrency in a wallet by doing an automated swap and purchase.
  • On-ramp with Sequence to purchase cryptocurrencies with a credit or debit card using a provider such as Transak in Unity, Unreal or Web.