Fetch native network balance (aka ETH on Ethereum, MATIC on Polygon, AVAX on Avalanche, BNB on BSC, etc.)

Sequence Indexer GetEtherBalance Method:

  • Request: POST /rpc/Indexer/GetEtherBalance
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body (in JSON):
    • accountAddress (string) — the wallet account address

Example: GetEtherBalance MATIC balance of a wallet account address on Polygon using an API_Access_Key

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Access-Key: AQAAAAAAAF_JvPALhBthL7VGn6jV0YDqaFY" https://polygon-indexer.sequence.app/rpc/Indexer/GetEtherBalance -d '{ "accountAddress": "0x8e3E38fe7367dd3b52D1e281E4e8400447C8d8B9" }'