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Checkout UI

The SDK comes with a default Checkout UI that you are welcome to use.

Using the Default UI

The SDK provides CheckoutPanel and CheckoutPage scripts, easily accessible via the CheckoutPanel prefab located at /Sequence/SequenceFrontend/Prefabs/Marketplace/CheckoutPanel.prefab.

Once you've added the CheckoutPanel prefab to your scene, you can open it via the Open() method. When opening the CheckoutPanel, you'll need to provide an ICheckoutHelper.

The ICheckoutHelper interface is implemented by NftCheckout and Cart. In general, NftCheckout will be more versatile and should be preferred for most use cases; in future updates, NftCheckout will support credit/debit card based payment flows. Cart on the other hand, is useful if you plan on only supporting crypto payments as it allows for purchasing multiple collectibles at once.

Building Your Own UI

If you'd like to build your own UI, it is recommended to check out the CheckoutPage implementation as an example. The CheckoutPage uses the ICheckoutHelper interface rather heavily; it handles the majority of the logic when it comes to selecting Currencies, estimating prices, and checking out. You may also find it worthwhile to extend CheckoutPage and modify its behaviour as you see fit.