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Sequence Builder simplifies smart contract deployment and management with a suite of user-friendly features. Import, deploy, and add contract collaborators to a smart contract in the contracts dashboard and interact directly with your contract.

What are my deployment options?

Deployment of contracts with Sequence Builder is simplified through a streamlined process directly within our dashboard. Choose from various contract templates (ERC1155, ERC721, ERC20). The Builder also gives you the option to upload your own custom contracts - saved to your project - and can be deployed directly to a network of your choosing.

What contract interactions can I do?

Sequence Builder provides a comprehensive contract dashboard, allowing users to explore and monitor various smart contract activities like transactions, balance, and tokens. Performing read and executing write operations on contracts becomes effortless, making it easy for actions such as minting and collaborations.

Watch a Contract be deployed with Builder


Add Contract Collaborators to Audited Contracts

Once you have a contract selected from one of the templates deployed, you can navigate to the specific contract and select the settings to view Permissions.

contract settings

Once you have the modal open, select the Permissions tab and you can Edit, or, + Add Collaborator.

add collaborator

Then complete the form with the user's address you want to add as a collaborator and select the dropdown to assign a new role.

Possible roles
  • Admin: Can update roles
  • Minter: Can mint tokens
  • Mint Admin: Can set minting logic
  • Withdraw: Withdraw tokens from the contract
  • Metadata Admin: Can update metadata

assign role

Finally, complete and sign the transaction to be deployed to the network the contract is deployed on.

complete transaction