Discover how to set up and deploy Soulbound Token contracts in Sequence Builder. Soulbound Tokens are perfect for creating unique, non-transferable game assets, including Battlepasses, memberships, and exclusive in-game items that stay permanently with the player.

Overview of Soulbound Tokens

Soulbound Tokens (SBTs) are non-transferable, non-sellable on-chain assets designed to provide exclusive, enduring value in Web3 environments. Since they cannot be transferred or traded, SBTs are ideal for representing permanent, achievement-based, or membership-related digital items. Here are some common use cases:

  • Game Passes and Memberships: Use Soulbound Tokens for Battlepasses, memberships, or loyalty programs that stay permanently in a user’s wallet, ensuring exclusive access for the intended holder.
  • Achievement Badges: Reward players with unique achievement badges that serve as a testament to their progress and accomplishments, visible to all but non-tradable.
  • Event Tickets and Certifications: Provide secure, non-transferable tickets for exclusive in-game events or educational certifications for skills achieved within a game environment.
  • Identity and Reputation Systems: Establish identity-based or reputation-based tokens that signify trust or credibility, supporting fair-play and user engagement.

Soulbound Tokens are especially beneficial for game developers and communities aiming to provide lasting value without the need for speculative trading.

Prerequisite: Create a Project

This guide assumes that you have already signed up for Builder and created a Project.

Step 1: Navigate to contracts

Start by selecting your project in the top left corner for which you want to create the collectible, then go to the Deploy section, select Contracts, and select the Contracts button to add a new contract.

Step 2: Choose your collectible type

Select either Web3 Game Item Collection (ERC1155) or NFT Collection (ERC721) for your Soulbound Token. For this guide, we’ll walk through a Web3 Game Item Collection (ERC1155), ideal for creating non-transferable Soulbound Tokens.

Step 3: Specify contract details

Provide details for the contract by specifying a Contract Name and Owner. You also have the option to set Royalties. Ensure that the Owner address matches the Sequence Wallet in the top-right corner, with adequate funds in this wallet on mainnet. For testnet transactions, we sponsor them for you.

Note: Changing the name later will update it across the Sequence stack, but popular explorers will not reindex the information. Your initial entry will remain in these systems.

Step 4: Deploy your contract

Deploy your contract via the popup window at, and confirm by signing the message.

Step 5: Mint tokens to your wallet address

Navigate to the mint card in the Write Contract section and input the to being the wallet address you would like to receive the token to, the tokenId (typically starting at 0), and amount of tokens, and finally the data section you can just input 0x00, which typically represent Additional data with no specified format.

Step 6: Confirm your minted collectible

And you’re done!

You can view the transactions submitted to the blockchain for your wallet address in the Transactions tab navigation