Migration Guide: Moving to Sequence Embedded Wallets
Migrating from another wallet to a sequence embedded wallet
This document provides guidance for users migrating from other providers (such as Thirdweb, Venly, etc.) to Sequence’s Embedded Wallets. The primary recommended approach is a Just-In-Time (JIT) migration pattern, which occurs when users log in for the first time after the migration.
Just-In-Time Migration Process
The JIT migration process is designed to smoothly transition users from their existing wallet provider to Sequence Embedded Wallets with minimal disruption to their experience. This process occurs automatically when a user logs in for the first time after the migration has been implemented where the process looks like the following:
User Authentication
- When a user attempts to log in, user authenticates with their desired social provider or email using the Sequence Embedded Wallets SDK.
- Once the user is authenticated, the authenticated user data such as email address, username, or other unique user identifier along with the sequence wallet address is passed to your backend.
Database Lookup and Update
- Update your user database with a ‘sequenceWallet’ column.
- The database is queried with the unique user identifier to retrieve the corresponding user’s record.
- The system checks if a ‘sequenceWallet’ already exists for this user. If so, no actoin is taken.
- If no Sequence wallet address is found: a. The passed sequence wallet is inserted in the ‘sequenceWallet’ column.
- If a user doesn’t exist in the database, insert the passed information as a net-new user.
Asset Migration
- After the user is successfully logged in, the system checks if asset migration has already occurred.
- If not, a prompt is displayed to the user, explaining the need to migrate their assets from their old wallet to the new Sequence Embedded Wallet.
- The user logs in to the previous provider as a one-time event, and migrates the desired assets to their new sequence wallet.
- We suggest using Sequence’s Indexer to query the relevant assets to display these along with amounts to the user for ease of migration.
Please get in touch with any questions if your migration is more complex and we are happy to help.
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