Sequence Embedded Wallet is a non-custodial wallet solution that enables users to authenticate with social providers, email, or as a guest. It is available through our various SDKs such as Web, Unity and Unreal.

These headless wallets can be created on-demand for each user and allow you to integrate an application with an Ethereum compatible blockchain, while using familiar constructions like RPC APIs. Additionally, no necessary pop-up modals, user-facing confirmations, and other distractions so you can provide a truly native and seamless gaming experience.

Sequence Embedded Wallet offers real non-custodial wallets and the system guarantees that each created wallet can only be accessed with the consent of the owner of the wallet. This is made possible by utilizing the power of AWS Nitro Enclaves to handle sensitive data in a secure environment that nobody can access - not even Sequence.

These are also shared across experiences, if desired, so your users have a consistent wallet address across your games and platforms, no matter what social login they are using.

Try a Demo

Try out the seamless onboarding of Sequence Embedded Wallet here

Once you are ready dive into implementation, follow the quickstart guide or install the SDK from your favorite package manager:

pnpm install @0xsequence/waas