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Guest Wallet Configuration for Embedded Wallet

Guest Wallets are a feature in the Sequence Stack that allow for ephemeral creation of an authentication idenity that lasts till the user clears their browser cache, or, sign's in again.

This strategy for onboarding can be useful for providing ways to freely access your game or experience, increasing your conversion rate until players want to persist their information.

Importantly, if users clear their cache or lose access to the device - any assets in the Guest Wallet will not be recoverable. Therefore, users should connect an additional authentication method if any value is associated with the wallet.

To configure the Embedded Wallet for Guest Wallet, this can be accomplished with the following steps:

Builder Configuration

Access your project in Sequence builder, navigate to the Embedded Wallet Configuration section, then add a Login Provider:

add login provider

Finally, selecting Guest Wallet in the dropdown.

select guest wallet

And selecting the purple Update configuration to input your password to update the Configuration.


Once configured, you can implement a Guest Wallet with the following code and use it like any other Embedded Wallet:

await sequence.signIn({ guest: true }, "Session name");