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Stytch Configuration for Embedded Wallet

In order to have Stytch auth integrated into your Embedded Wallet instance, you have to configure a Stytch application in the Stytch Dashboard and configure an Embedded Wallet in Sequence Builder. Begin, by starting with the following below steps:

Sign Up / Sign In

First access the sign in page:

Create a Project

From the dropdown of projects once signed in, select Create new project:

Create a Project


Create new Project

And finally select Create project

Obtain a Stytch Project ID & Stytch Public Token

From the bottom of the first screen of Home copy and save somewhere safe the Stytch Project ID & Stych Public Token:

Obtain a Project ID & Stytch Public Token

Update the Redirect URL

For local development use http://localhost:4444/authenticate

Update Redirect Url

Enable Login and Register, select Set as default and select Confirm:

Obtain a Project ID

Update the Allowed Origins for SDK

For local development, ensure that your development URL is passed correclt such as http://localhost:4444

Update url for SDK

Builder Configuration

Next, enable Stytch authentication in the Sequence Builder by accessing your Project, the Embedded Wallet Configuration section, then adding a Login Provider:

add login provider

Finally, selecting Stytch in the dropdown.

select stytch

Then inputting your Stytch Project ID, selecting Save changes and selecting the purple Update configuration to input your password to update the Configuration.